India app replace china app | India app list 2020 |China app list name
We are going to discuss some topics they can see on the screen that I will discuss that remove China apps deleted Y and Mitron app is safe or not and Third one is best Chinese alternatives. Yes guys. So today in this post We are going to discuss on these three topics so you can see that There is an app which is popular and it is called remove China apps what it basically do Is it scan your mobile and it will give you the list of Chinese app, which is installed in your device So you will be able to delete them easily per guys Play Store remove this app and They have not explained why exactly they just given the reason that this air violates their tools now what their rules basically means is that you cannot create any app which mimic real-time operating system or in easiest way.
So, here some of the chinese apps and their alternatives. We can see below list of china app and alternatives so we can use indian apps instead of china as well we can use other famous apps those do not belong to china. See below we use share files instead of share it as well we can use jio share.
we have many default browsers otherwise use epic browser it belongs to india.
one of the worst time waste app like tiktok, Like, Vigo, and Hello instead of that we use Roposo develop by indian developer.
Zoom is one of the widely use china app or we can say that this app leaking are huge amount of data so we should go through another alternatives like google Duo , google meet, imo and skype as well.
we knows that these days we are using CamScanner at large scale still if you can use their alternatives like Doc Scanners etc. it would be great for you as well india.
Here the widely use game Pubg all know that this game belongs to south koria but there mobile version rights bought by china so all the profits goes to china.So do promote china anymore so i would tell that please uninstall all the chines app and support indian army, india govt. and indian developer.
So i am requesting you to all the indians those who loves india and their indian armies please remove all the chinese app from your Devices and support indian apps and country So, thta they will not get any amount from india to use on our indian army.